ISC - Global Activation Meditation 1 - Anchoring a deep new light intelligence energetic from the Infinite Source Intelligence
By Infinite Source Creations
This is a requested activation by the Infinite Source Intelligence (ISI) and the supporting teams assisting the Earth Ascension process.
In this meditation and activation, we will be going into the sacred heart infinity point. While there, we will be assisted to activate a deep emanation (an expansive new energetic) that will act as a stabilizing living field that will anchor deep within the Earth, within us and the surrounding Earth grids with living light streams that are to accelerate the Earths (and humanity’s) shift into an even higher timeline.
This is requested at this time to ensure that the light intelligence being offered in this meditation reaches deep into the Earth and is made available to all on the Earth who wish to allow the transformation within. The Teams requested this to be given to all who wish to assist in this, so please feel free to share far and wide with those you know who wish to help.
At this very important point in Earth and human evolution, the sense I was given was that this is a massive gift being offered to help us and the Earth move further out the illusionary state and into an expansive unity consciousness of the infinity point state. And by holding that energetic state, that this would be available to all who wish it as we act as transmitters for this expansive light upgrade.
To take part in this meditation, it is asked that you go through the previous two ISC meditations (14 and 15), to allow you to first gain the initial connection to the infinity point within you, which you can find here:
hosted by
Infinite Source Creations