Stories Behind the Essays: "A Sand County Almanac" 75th Anniversary

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Stories Behind the Essays: "A Sand County Almanac" 75th Anniversary

By Aldo Leopold Foundation

Aldo Leopold is best known for his 1949 book, A Sand County Almanac, but most people don't know the story of how this landmark of conservation literature came to be. The book faced numerous rejections from several publishers, and Leopold died just a week after learning that his manuscript would finally be published. It took almost 20 years for A Sand County Almanac to gain an appreciative readership when the modern environmental movement emerged in the 1960s.

Celebrate the anniversary of A Sand County Almanac with Aldo Leopold Foundation Senior Fellow Dr. Stan Temple as he reveals dozens of engaging stories behind Leopold’s essays and explains why the book’s timeless yet timely message still resonates 75 years after it was first released.

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Aldo Leopold Foundation

Aldo Leopold Foundation


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