Building With B Corp: Reaching the Highest Standards of Social Impact for Profit and Purpose

Social Impact World

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Building With B Corp: Reaching the Highest Standards of Social Impact for Profit and Purpose

By Social Impact World

This session will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the B Corp certification, a globally recognized standard for companies committed to creating positive social and environmental impact. The key takeaways from this session include:
  • What the B Corp certification is and how it sets the bar for companies to prioritize both profit and purpose.
  • How to use the B Corp assessment tool to build a social impact program, including how to set and measure impact goals/KPIs and introduce storytelling around your company impact.
  • Real-life examples from Ecolytics and Profitable Purpose Consulting’s clients to give concrete steps companies can take to implement sustainable business practices.
Attendees will leave this session with a clear understanding of the B Corp certification and how it can help them reach new heights in their business and social impact.


Hazel Horvath
Founder & CEO, Ecolytics

Hazel Horvath is the founder and CEO of Ecolytics, a single platform for corporate sustainability. With Ecolytics, companies can effectively set and reach sustainability goals like reaching net zero emissions or becoming B Corp certified. In 2023, Hazel was accepted into the highly competitive Techstars business accelerator program to further Ecolytics’ growth.

Prior to founding Ecolytics, she has previous experience in the sustainability field as part of impact investment and corporate responsibility teams. She holds a degree from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Nathan Stuck
Founder & CEO, Profitable Purpose Consulting

Nathan is an award winning leader in the B Corp community and the Founder of Profitable Purpose Consulting, a culture, impact, and B Corp consultancy. He founded and chairs B Local Georgia and serves on the board of B Academics, a nonprofit committed to research and experiential B Corp learning opportunities.

He is also the Executive Director of BLD Southeast, a regional annual B Corp conference that brings together B Corps from the southeastern United States for a celebration of business as a force for good.
Nathan teaches an MBA course on B Corps at the University of Georgia, is a regular speaker at conferences and on podcasts around the world, and hosts the B The Change Georgia podcast. His first book, Happy Monday: Designing Your Dream Careerwas released in 2022, and his TEDx Talk was released in March 2023.

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Social Impact World


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