2023: The Grand Finale

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2023: The Grand Finale

By AstroTwins

Declare Cosmic Closure on 2023 & Reset Your Power for 2024

Are you ready to leave 2023 behind and move into a new, inspired energy?

The AstroTwins, astrologers for ELLE Magazine, guide you through a cosmic experience where you'll find gratitude, acceptance and closure—a clean slate that allows you to start 2024 strong!
  • Declare "cosmic closure" on 2023. ​​​​​​​Confidently leave the challenges of 2023 behind and discover where to focus in 2024.
  • Reset and reclaim your power for 2024. Take back power you've given away in 2023 and reconnect with yourself on a soul level.
  • Craft New Year's resolutions that you'll actually keep. Star-powered intention setting for each sign.

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