Crowdfunding Marketing & Advertising
By BackerKit
Ready to add a boost to your next crowdfunding project? Join the BackerKit Marketing team as they share tips and strategies to help you reach potential backers and make your digital ad campaigns more successful.
Crystal Turnau (Senior Marketing Manager, BackerKit) and Alex McGuire (Senior Marketing Manager, BackerKit) will be hosting the following in-depth sessions on marketing and advertising from April 11 to May 2:
Week 1: Crowdfunding/Marketing Myths & Misconceptions (April 11 at 11 AM PT)
Expect to learn about common myths and misconceptions around:
- Campaign lifecycle & backer behavior
- What ads can & can’t do
- Social media followers & email lists
Week 2: Lead Gen Ads (April 18 at 11 AM PT)
Get tips and strategies for making your lead gen advertising more effective, including:
- Audience targeting
- Using signup incentives and teaser pages
- How to set your budget and timeline
- How to work with the ad platform’s algorithm
Week 3: Live Campaign Ads (April 25 at 11 AM PT)
Gain valuable insights and techniques for running ads for live campaigns, including:
- Audience targeting
- How to set your budget and timeline
- How to scale performance
- How to troubleshoot ad performance issues
- How to measure your results
Week 4: Creative Asset Recommendations (May 2 at 11 AM PT)
Learn about creative best practices to make your ad campaigns more successful, including:
- Copy tips
- Image composition
- Videos
- Teaser pages
You only need to register once to get access to all 4 sessions. Join us live or watch the replay after each session has ended. The link for each presentation will automatically become a replay link after the session has ended. You must be signed into Crowdcast to access the replay.
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