Discount Management with Florian Bauer, Ph.D.

Professional Pricing Society

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Discount Management with Florian Bauer, Ph.D.

By Professional Pricing Society

Increasing margins is often not a question of pricing strategy but of price execution. Most margin loss occurs in the last mile of customer negotiations. An in-depth analysis of discount management and its success factors over the past two decades has revealed two findings: most discounts are given unnecessarily and improving this margin loss is primarily a behavioral issue. In this webinar I will present a proven framework and toolbox for systematically addressing these issues and aligning the efforts of pricing and sales.

Florian Bauer, Ph.D., studied Psychology and Economics at the Technical University in Darmstadt, at MIT, and at Harvard University. He has devoted himself to research into behavioral economics and the psychology of pricing. He co-founded Vocatus AG, an internationally operating pricing consulting company, in Munich in 1999, which has won numerous industry awards for its innovative work and tools. Since January 2024 Vocatus is part of Accenture. Besides his consulting engagements, he is an honorary professor at the Technical University of Munich.

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Professional Pricing Society


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