Daily Workout

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Daily Workout

By Recruiting Gym

The Daily Workout was created at the start of lockdown to help those working from home to get a great start to the day.

Whether we're in the office, or a home, we still all need that.

Join us daily, to gain insights into the recruitment and TA world and go away with a 'workout' from the Gym to put into practice.

Top tips

As a manager: -
  1. Take a topic each week
  2. Identify 1, 2 or 3 videos webinars for your team to view
  3. Set a 15-minute session each week to share their top 3 takeaways from the sessions
  4. Update with successes from putting the learning into practice
  5. Update the Daily Workout with any topics that you would like us to cover
As a recruiter: -
  1. Think about your current development areas
  2. Search for 1, 2 or 3 videos webinars for the week
  3. Review the sessions and put into practice the learning
  4. Utilise the 'discussion' box (or join live for a session) to ask any questions/queries
  5. Update the Daily Workout with any topics that you would like us to cover

hosted by

Recruiting Gym

Recruiting Gym


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