Demystifying NFTs: Understanding the law and technology
By Bournemouth University
What is it about?
NFTs or 'non-fungible tokens' are digital assets that have captured the public imagination over the past year. But what actually is an NFT? How does the technology work? And why did one recently sell for $69 million at auction?
Join this online event, starting from the basics to look beyond the hype surrounding NFTs, discover what it actually means to own one, learn how to mint your very own NFT and perhaps even win one to keep.
What's on offer?
An online talk from expert speakers explaining the phenomenon of NFTs from different angles with how-to instructions on creating and sharing an NFT.
Who is leading the event?
Professor Dinusha Mendis, Professor of Intellectual Property and Innovation Law
Who is this event open to?
Open to all, but aimed at adults and young people, not children.
hosted by

Bournemouth University