Discovering Success Profiles - A Basic Outline

FDA Union webinars

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Discovering Success Profiles - A Basic Outline

By FDA Union webinars

This NEW Crowdcast webinar is delivered by Neil Rider and will be recorded including responses to questions via the ‘chat’ function’. This session is a run through Civil Service Success Profiles and will be of interest to any civil servant who wants a basic understanding of Civil Service Success Profiles and may not be familiar with the framework.

This is a general presentation, but Neil will refer to minor known differences in approaches in departments as revealed through sessions with well over 7,000 civil servants since COVID.

Neil is a ‘trained trainer’ for Civil Service Success Profiles and during and since COVID since has delivered remote interactive sessions for the FDA and CS employers across the UK including Cabinet Office, Home Office, CS Fast Stream, DWP and HMRC.

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FDA Union webinars

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