The Efficient Entrepreneur: Daily Habits and Routines to Increase Productivity and Profit

Kaye Publicity

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The Efficient Entrepreneur: Daily Habits and Routines to Increase Productivity and Profit

By Kaye Publicity

The life of an entrepreneur can be a chaotic one. We are constantly balancing the demands of our clients and customers, with the need to market and grow our business, not to mention managing teams, the books, and the ever growing inbox. We often feel pulled in a dozen different directions, and struggle to accomplish everything on our to-do list.
If you're a driven entrepreneur with big goals, but...
...struggle to take steps to accomplish those goals
...feel like you're constantly struggling to keep up with your to-do list
...are constantly being de-railed by fire-drills, interruptions, and life emergencies
then this webinar is for you!
As an entrepreneur and the owner of two companies, I understand the struggle. But through improving my daily habits and routines, I am able to better serve my clients, support my team, and make time for my family. This webinar will teach you how to:
  • Prioritize your projects
  • Schedule out your day
  • Focus your energy and attention
  • Tackle big projects and accomplish your goals
The training will be followed by a live Q&A. Don't miss this opportunity to increase your productivity...and your profit!

hosted by

Kaye Publicity


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