The Friday Fireside - Effortless Collaboration with Lana Jelenjev
By The Happy Startup School
Where can I find a co-founder or collaborators?
This is one of the most common questions we're asked by entrepreneurs. Some people love flying solo, pursuing their dreams on their own – being in Paul Jarvis' words a company of one.
But for the rest of us we need someone to play with to make it fun, bounce round ideas with or even add some creative tension.
It can be hard to know where to start with starting a creative or business relationship with someone when you're still getting to know each other.
We're lucky in that we (Carlos and Laurence) had been friends for 20 years before we started a business together, but we're the outliers.
There is no-one we know that is better at collaboration than Lana Jelenjev. We know because we've been on the receiving end of how she operates.
Lana is a shining example of how to give before you get. As Adam Grant says"We can't pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships."
Carlos got to know Lana through the Community Builders Facebook group, and she then actively contributed to our community, sharing her wisdom and gifts and slowly building trust and awareness with us and our tribe.
When we came to launch 2020 Vision at the start of last year, Lana was our clear choice for being our co-creator and fellow coach on the program. We just get each other and are on the same wave length.
We're have also partnered on other projects such as Day of Nothing and a new startup workshop we're running.
But we're not the only ones. Even just through the first 2 tribes of 2020 Vision we've seen how Lana continues to collaborate with our alumni – from working with Elsbeth Boes on Kingfisher Journals, to Community Rituals with Viktor who designed our rituals for the program – Lana is a collaborator superpower.
Join us for what will be a great discussion where Lana will share her approach and tips for effortless collaboration.
hosted by

The Happy Startup School