TradeWindow Best Practice Webinar Series - Freight Forwarding Import Operations
By TradeWindow
Tips & Tricks for TradeWindow Freight -Freight Forwarding Import Operations
Join us as we work through practical tips and expert insights to help you and your team get the most out of your TradeWindow Freight - Freight Forwarding Import Operations.
An overview of the module features we'll cover in this session include:
- Import air & sea consol registration
- SAC lodgement
- Consol browse screen
- Enquiries screen for IS & IA jobs
- Order management
- Auto rating & billing
- Cartage management
- Message enquiries
- Field settings
During the webinar, please use the "Q&A" box on the right margin to post any questions you have during the session, and we'll get to as many of these as possible at the end of the webinar.
We’ve launched this new Best Practice Webinar Series as a complementary initiative to help you optimise using the TradeWindow Freight modules. We look forward to having you join us for this series.
The TradeWindow Team
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