Fountain Fix: Cocktails with Kelly!
By Fountain Bookstore
Kelly here!
Are you missing your face-to-face interactions with Fountain? We have the solution!
Introducing Fountain Fix!
Get down with some quality time with our booksellers, author guests, book industry friends, and your fellow readers in a casual, virtual format.
Or it might just be me for an hour drinking a cocktail and talking to myself, which wouldn't be that different from my usual behavior, so if no one shows up, I won't be terribly put out.
I don't know quite what we're doing yet, so I appreciate your patience while we figure this thing out.
Today's featured books are listed in the link below.
(note, all of our Crowdcast programs are recorded, so if you don't want to be on camera, don't raise your hand! thanks!)
hosted by

Fountain Bookstore