Build Blazing-Fast LLM Apps with Groq, LangFlow, & LangChain

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Build Blazing-Fast LLM Apps with Groq, LangFlow, & LangChain

By Langflow

Imagine harnessing the full potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) with lightning-fast performance and user-friendly tools. That's the focus of our upcoming webinar featuring Groq Inc., LangFlow, and LangChain!
Join us for an insightful session where you'll discover:
  • Cutting-edge Groq LLM Model Inference: Hatice Ozen, Sr. Customer Applications Engineer at Groq, will present models hosted on Groq and how to get started with them effortlessly through APIs and a user-friendly chat UI.
  • LangFlow's no-code approach: Misbah Syed, Developer Relations at LangFlow, will demonstrate how LangFlow simplifies Groq LLM integration so that you can build MVPs in a few minutes using no-code.
  • LangChain's simplified code integration: Lance Martin, Software/Machine Learning Engineer at LangChain, will explore how Groq is seamlessly integrated within LangChain to help build powerful LLM and agent applications.
​David Jones-Gilardi, Developer Relations for DataStax and LangFlow, will moderate the discussion and guide you through this exciting exploration.
Don't miss this opportunity to:
  • ​Learn about Groq AI inference technology powering LLM performance
  • ​Understand how to leverage pre-trained models for real-world applications
  • ​Discover how LangFlow and LangChain empower you to build AI-powered apps faster and easier with built-in Groq integrations.
Register now and unlock the potential of next-generation LLMs!
About the Companies
  • Groq Inc.: Fastest AI Inference
​Groq builds the world’s fastest AI inference technology. They're revolutionizing the AI landscape with the LPU™ Inference Engine, a hardware and software platform that delivers unparalleled inference performance for LLMs.
  • LangFlow: Build LLM Apps Without Coding
​LangFlow offers a way to build applications that use LLMs without needing to write complex code. This can be helpful for developers who are new to LLMs or who want to quickly prototype an application.
  • LangChain: The LLM Integration Platform
​LangChain simplifies integrating and orchestrating different LLMs, data sources, and AI components to build powerful applications. They also offer LangSmith, an enterprise DevOps platform for LLM applications, and LangGraph, a visual tool for building and visualizing LLM workflows using a node-based interface.
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