AI revolution: Shaping Canada's future growth

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AI revolution: Shaping Canada's future growth

By The Logic

Canada has been a driving force in artificial intelligence, leading in the technology’s research and development—but how quickly will Canadian businesses adopt it? What potential does AI hold in boosting Canadian productivity and shaping the economy’s future growth?

The Logic’s David Reevely will host a discussion on how Canada can leverage its early AI leadership and boost the economy’s weak productivity and competitiveness, while also mitigating risks that the technology could pose to workers. He will be joined by Mila Banerjee, CEO and tech lead, Pronti AI; Lori Bieda, chief data and analytics officer, BMO; Martin Kon, president & COO, Cohere; with opening remarks from John Weigelt, national technology officer, Microsoft Canada.

Sponsored by Microsoft.

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The Logic


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