How companies are promoting work-life balance

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How companies are promoting work-life balance

By Landing.Jobs

In the current tech market, companies are increasingly promoting work-life balance for their employees as a strategy of Employer Branding to ensure talent attraction and retention. But what are some of the current best practices being used by organisations to achieve better productivity, employee satisfaction and well-being, and low rotation goals?

Join us for our next webinar on this subject, where we will explore, through real-world case studies and expert insights, to have a comprehensive overview of the strategies employed by companies that prioritise their employees' work-life balance.

We will discuss topics such as:
  1. Flexible Work Arrangements
  2. Technology and Boundaries
  3. Wellness Initiatives
  4. Future Trends

Get to know what some of the most forward-thinker companies are doing within their teams to promote employee happiness and balance, avoiding burnout and enhancing engagement.

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