Introduction to Apache CouchDB

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Introduction to Apache CouchDB

By IBM Developer

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Join IBM Developer SF to get an introduction to Apache CouchDB - an open-source document-oriented database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture.
A database in CouchDB is not a group of tables, but a collection of documents (JSON objects). We will use Cloudant, a hosted version on IBM Cloud, for the demo to avoid spending time installing locally.
We will look at how to create a simple CRUD application in CouchDB and then explore more advance features including:
1. Design Documents to transform, update and validate documents
2. Views to query documents using MapReduce
3. Mango Query Server to write JSON queries
4. HTTP API that makes CouchDB ideal for the web
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Speaker: Upkar Lidder
Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles. He can be seen speaking at various conferences and participating in local tech groups and meetups. He is currently curious about the magic behind Machine Learning and Deep Learning, specifically use of NLP in chatbots. Upkar went to graduate school in Canada and currently resides in the United States.

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