Leopold Week 2024: Natural, Wild, and Free
By Aldo Leopold Foundation
"Perhaps such a shift of values can be achieved by reappraising things unnatural, tame, and confined in terms of things natural, wild and free."
Aldo Leopold ended the foreword to A Sand County Almanac with this quote in March of 1948. His collection of essays reveals what "natural, wild, and free" meant to him back then. But what does it mean to us today?
Join us March 1-8 for Leopold Week 2024 to explore this question and discover how you can more deeply connect to the land community. With one click of "Save my spot," you will be registered for all eight of these free, virtual speaker sessions. Replays of each event will be available to registrants after the live program.
Friday, March 1, 12:00 PM CST
Leopold Week 2024 Kick-Off with Buddy Huffaker, Executive Director of the Aldo Leopold Foundation
Saturday, March 2, 4:00 PM CST
Drawing A Land Ethic: Artist Max Sorenson at the Overture Center
Monday, March 4, 12:00 PM CST
Lyanda Lynn Haupt and Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit
Tuesday, March 4, 7:00 PM CST
Diane Wilson on her award-winning novel The Seed Keeper
*ASL interpretation provided
Wednesday, March 6, 12:00 PM CST
Stewarding the Wild: A Conversation with Karl Malcolm, U.S. Forest Service
Wednesday, March 6, 7:00 PM CST
First & Wildest: The Gila Wilderness at 100 Interview and Author Panel
Thursday, March 7, 7:00 PM CST
Presentation from Ed Yong, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of An Immense World
*ASL interpretation provided
Friday, March 8, 12:00 PM CST
Living a Land Ethic: Leopold Week Finale with the 2023-24 Future Leaders Fellows
Many thanks to our sponsors and partners that made these programs possible:

GZA: Design With Nature
Jeanette Leehr and Terry Carlson
Overture Center for the Arts
The Derse Foundation
Wild Earth Guardians
Wisconsin Book Festival
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry
hosted by

Aldo Leopold Foundation