Lovely messy startups

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Lovely messy startups

By The Happy Startup School

How do you change direction without a map?

By reconnecting to your inner navigation system.

But many of us fight shy of it. Why?

Because it means engaging with the messy parts of ourselves that we don’t want to acknowledge, let alone embrace.

Someone who’s walked this tough but rewarding path is our good friend and Vision alumnae Beth Derry.

And she’s joining us this Friday to talk about the emergent path she’s taken to start her new business.

As a successful copywriter for 25 years, Beth has written for and collaborated with clients such as Microsoft, Allianz, and Heineken to help them communicate their impact on people and the planet.

But when she reached her mid-forties, she knew she could trust her instincts.

Instincts that told her she wanted more from life.

“I had had all these ideas and this energy, but I’d been too scared to let it out. However, it no longer felt comfortable to do nothing.”

What can stop us now is what we went through before.

Even if things are uncomfortable, our past can hold us back from shaping our future.

Beth knows all too well how life's difficulties can shape us.

As a teenager and young adult, she faced painful mental health challenges and turned to self-harm as a way to cope.

At the time, the support available wasn’t enough. She didn’t have the answers she needed.

It wasn’t until decades later, after years of therapy, coaching, and innovative techniques like Havening, that Beth found her way back to herself—and began envisioning a new way of working.

This transformation also meant finding a way to balance responsibilities as a single parent while slowly designing a path that felt more aligned and purposeful.

And she’s moved from freelancer to entrepreneur.

In 2023 she founded Lovely Messy Humans, an initiative dedicated to educating people on the science of being human, focusing on emotional resilience, regulation, and healing from trauma. Join us as we explore:

  • Embracing the messiness of a new venture A new business takes time to find its feet, and how the path forward emerges as we take each next step.
  • Turning struggle into strength How your wounds and challenges can become the foundation for a new way of working that feels aligned and meaningful.
  • Integration and wholeness Reclaiming the parts of yourself you’ve abandoned to feel safe, and discovering that these are often the best parts of you.
  • The power of starting small Why feeling safe and resourced is essential, and how to take gentle, meaningful steps forward while balancing existing responsibilities.

hosted by

The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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