Rays of Creation - Part 5 Meditation

Infinite Healing from the Stars

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Rays of Creation - Part 5 Meditation

By Infinite Healing from the Stars

Archangel Raphael oversees the Fifth Ray of Creation. In essence, the Ray inspires more profound healing and greater inner vision. Like a doorway, it stimulates higher intelligence and wisdom in all of us. The Fifth Ray is also associated with the Emerald Green Light and the Divine Masculine principle. Meditating with the Fifth Ray supports concentration and higher mental discipline.

Join us for our Rays of Creation meditation series!
  • When: Thursday, January 4, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM AZ MST (Mountain Standard Time)
  • Where: Crowdcast
  • Reserve Your Spot Today: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/lusizfcy90gf
Once you register, Crowdcast will email a link to join our meditation live and watch the replay.

*Crowdcast works best with Chrome and Safari.*

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Infinite Healing from the Stars


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