Smart hot water in social housing: A pathway for decarbonisation and better homes
By Installer & elemental
Hosted by Andrew Gaved
The Social Housing Retrofit Challenge is making remarkable progress, particularly with the ongoing SHDF Wave 3 funding round. As the focus on low carbon heating intensifies, hot water storage has reemerged as a critical topic.
This webinar will delve into essential considerations for providers regarding hot water storage within the framework of low carbon heating. We will examine the factors that should influence providers’ decisions, considering both resident needs and broader servicing requirements.
Participants will discover the advantages of smart and connected hot water systems, including their potential for reducing costs on field service visits, enabling remote diagnostics, and simplifying legionella cleaning cycles. Join us to learn how these innovative solutions can enhance efficiency and resident satisfaction in social housing retrofits.
- Peter McBride - UK Sales Director for Specification, Mixergy
- Kelly Butler - Strategy Director, BEAMA
- Ian Mather - Direct of Strategy and Partnerships, Robert Heath
- Paul Kidd - Commercial Director, Harlequin
hosted by

Installer & elemental