Environmentally just best practices for Carbon Pricing and Dividends
By The BIG Conference
First paper discusses best practices, including placing hard upstream cap on carbon, auctioning permits, disallowing permit trading, issuing 100% of net revenue as dividends, and making the dividends highly visible to recipients.
Second paper responds to criticism from environmental justice advocates on the grounds that carbon pricing (i) fails to reduce emissions significantly, (ii) fails to reduce the disproportionate impacts of hazardous co-pollutants on people of color and low-income communities; (iii) harms the purchasing power of low-income households; and (iv) commoditizes nature. This paper discusses how these very real problems can be addressed, so that the carbon pricing baby is not thrown out with the market-based bathwater.
Papers to be Presented
Ten Principles for Successful Carbon Pricing by Brent Ranalli
Environmental Justice, Carbon Pricing, and Universal Income by Brent Ranalli
Mike Sandler, Commons-Share.org
Mike Sandler is a sustainability professional and activist, and manages several websites including Commons-Share.org and CarbonShare.org (which was initiated in January 2007 to influence the development of California’s Cap & Trade program). Mike has co-founded several non-profits including the Climate Center based in Northern California in 2001, and Virginia Clean Energy in 2018. Mike is currently Chair of the Board of the Ireland-based Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA). Mike is a former Planning Commissioner for the City of Sebastopol. He has a degree in Political Economy from UC Berkeley, and a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from UCLA.
Brent Ranalli, Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA)
Brent Ranalli is a policy professional, a trustee at the sustainability think tank FEASTA, a research scholar at the Ronin Institute, a contributor to the journal Basic Income Studies, and the author of "Common Wealth Dividends: History and Theory" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Short primers on carbon pricing and carbon permit auctions written by Brent appear on the FEASTA blog.
James Boyce [in absentia]
Mike Howard, President, US Basic Income Guarantee, Inc.
Michael Howard has taught philosophy at the University of Maine since 1981. He has published 4 books, including, with Karl Widerquist, two books on Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend, and many articles on basic income in relation to immigration, inequality, and climate change.
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