Podcasting for VAs

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Podcasting for VAs

By Hello Steadman

Your clients have been asking about starting a podcast but the technical stuff all seems a bit tricky. Maybe they've already given it a go, but without editing and a bit of polish, it's unlikely to be more than an expensive hobby for them.

Luckily it's never been easier to put out a podcast your client can be proud of – or one that showcases your own business. In this free webinar, Mark Steadman, a podcaster with over 16 years experience, will show you
  • How to edit audio as easily as editing a Google doc
  • How to write show notes and titles that make people want to click Play... all with the help of AI
  • How to get your clients' audio into Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube Music and more
  • How much you can earn
Add a steady and more easily-predictable revenue stream, and make yourself even more indispensable to your clients.

The session lasts around an hour, and there's time for Q&A. And if you can't make it, sign up and watch the replay any time.

hosted by

Hello Steadman


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