Parmenion x the lang cat: Quantifying the impact of poor service

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Parmenion x the lang cat: Quantifying the impact of poor service

By the lang cat

In our Answering the Call paper back in May, we proved that the advice profession experiences service in a range of different ways but that it also - understandably - doesn’t trust the data available to it to make better, informed decisions.

Then in November, we released some eye-watering research with Parmenion that highlighted the extent to which servicing impacts the day to day working lives of the advice profession.

We need to do better.

Join us where we’ll be speaking to two leading lights of the advice profession, Kate Shaw and Marie Meagher, who will be sharing their own experience of provider service. We will also be joined by Sarah Lyons, Chief Marketing Officer at Parmenion to find out more about what we’re doing next.

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the lang cat

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