Research meets Open Source - Realising Dataspaces with Eclipse Dataspace Components and DATAMITE
By Eclipse Foundation
Talk 1:
- Title: "New concepts for cross-company data sharing: Eclipse Dataspace Components Framework"
- Speaker: Markus Spiekermann (Lead Architect Data Ecosystems at Huawei Technologies)
- Abstract: People have heard about Dataspaces, but still have been left with some questions. The session will address these questions by demonstrating how concepts have been evolved and matured over the time. Dataspaces are enabling data economy and building trust in cross-organizational data sharing. But, they require technical solutions for attaching policies to data assets and implementation of suitable protocols for advertising data, negotiate policies and control the transfer. The Eclipse Dataspace Components provides a framework for building Dataspace components compliant to specification jointly developed by a community of initiatives like IDSA, Gaia-X, iShare and others within the Eclipse Foundation and its corresponding Dataspace Working Group (EDWG). This sessions highlights the fundamental idea and functionalities, provides an overview about the progress we saw in Dataspace's concepts over the last 3 years and shows how the EDC supported this endeavor with the EF community. The sessions concludes with a wrap-up and outlook for the upcoming development phases, esp. with a glimpse on the new specification projects of the Dataspace Protocol (DSP) as well as the Decentralized Claims Protocol (DCP) of the EDWG. This session's attendees will gain a better understanding of the multiple discussions about building dataspaces, how the Eclipse Dataspace Components make their life easier building production-ready components and how they will be prepared for upcoming specifications.
Talk 2:
- Title: "DATAMITE: An open-source framework to enable data monetisation"
- Speaker: Santiago Cáceres Elvira (Project Manager at ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática)
- Abstract: DATAMITE delivers a modular, open-source and multi-domain framework to improve data monetising, interoperability, trading and exchange in the form of software modules, training and business materials for European companies, empowering them to become new relevant players in the data economy. The talk will explain how the project tackles these challenges and review the functionalities of the different modules being developed.
hosted by
Eclipse Foundation