CatholicMatch Live with Rose Sweet and Fr. Steve Porter

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CatholicMatch Live with Rose Sweet and Fr. Steve Porter

By CatholicMatch

In this episode of CatholicMatch Live, Rose Sweet hosts, Fr. Steve Porter!

Fr. Steve Porter, STL, is a biblical scholar who often leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land,  lives in California, hails from South Africa, has more than a few pets, and loves Star Trek. He was host of a Catholic TV reality show, “Divine Intervention,” weekly zoom prayer meetings during Covid, and is a seasoned spiritual director.

Did we mention he also is called in for exorcisms?

Father Steve will offer prayers and insight to help the single man or woman understand the role demonic influence may–or may not–play in the struggle to see red flags, to stay chaste, and to find authentic love.

They will also be answering your questions live.

Don't miss your chance to join us, save your spot now!

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