Shamanic Reiki Level One & Two

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Shamanic Reiki Level One & Two

By Shamanic Reiki Worldwide

Shamanic Reiki blends the timeless wisdom of two ancient healing traditions with new approaches and practical teachings. We are all capable of practicing Reiki, and in this highly experiential training we practice simple, yet powerful, techniques that join Reiki together with intuitive approaches from diverse Shamanic cultures.

Over the course of the workshop, we:
  • Receive the Reiki Level One & Two attunement along with three powerful energetic symbols to activate and empower our innate ability to heal
  • Practice self-healing methods and intuitive strategies for the transmission of Reiki
  • Integrate Shamanic techniques to access alternate realities beyond time and space
  • Give and receive a complete Shamanic Reiki session
  • Explore Shamanic methods that will open us to the healing forces of the earth and the elements
  • Discover how to create a healing environment and develop a Shamanic Reiki healing practice
  • Engage life-shifting practices to empower us as a Shamanic Reiki healer
  • Establish an inner sanctum and investigate the consciousness of the attunement symbols
  • Activate our ability to transmit healing forces across time and space
  • Increase the potency of the energy we channel, and receive and give a Shamanic Reiki treatment
  • Practice simple Shamanic Reiki absentee healing methods
  • Release energetic blocks through Shamanic journeys and with flowers
  • Perform an ancient empowerment ceremony
In the Shamanic world-view, we are all interconnected through time and space by a living, conscious web. This concept, understood as “oneness,” allows us to affect change regardless of our physical placement in time and geography. In this workshop, we explore a systematized and intuitive approach to manifesting profound natural healing then expand our work with Reiki to benefit another, or a situation, backward in time, forward into the future, and across geographical distance.

Successful completion of Shamanic Reiki Level One & Two qualifies you for Shamanic Master Practitioner.

-Certificate program-
Join Stacey Gibbons with SRW Faculty for this in-depth training that empowers you as a Shamanic Reiki healer. 

Your Shamanic Reiki Level One & Two course includes 6 (2-hour) online sessions with Stacey and faculty; three personal calls with an SRW faculty member; at-home practice assignments; a collection of guided audio and/or video experiences for your personal library.

Required Reading and Course Study-Reference: Shamanic Reiki (Roberts & Levy)

Schedule and Some Session Highlights:

Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s
6 sessions (3 weeks from start to finish)
7:30pm EST

Session 1
September 19th 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
Deepening into the Journey: Shamanic Reiki as an embodied and disciplined path. Establish an inner sanctum, build a sacred altar, and merge with a nature spirit ally as you weave and experience the power of traditional and shamanic lineages.

Session 2
September 20th 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
Shapeshift with the Shamanic Reiki Spiral and the wisdom of the traditional symbols and receive the Level One and Two Attunement.

Session 3
September 26th 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
Shamanic energy focusing practices; Long Distance Healing techniques, Shapeshifting and integrating with the elements, and how to use sacred tools and plant spirit medicine in a hands on healing session. Practitioner ethics.

Session 4
September 27th 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
The Hollow Reed; active listening approaches, unravel and neutralize  old and dysfunctional patterns, deepen into a Shamanic Journey with the Tasmic Portal.

Session 5
October 3rd 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
Guided shapeshifting journey combined with Hands-on instruction to cleanse, neutralize, and balance blocked energy.

Session 6
October 4th 7:30 - 9:30 PM EST
Journey to heal your relationship with the Earth; deepen into the language of nature, and embody your gifts fully.

Shamanic Reiki One & Two certification qualifies you for the SRMP program. With Shamanic Reiki Level One & Two certification, you are also qualified to register for the yearlong home-based study apprenticeship - Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher and Life Empowerment certification program, commencing January 2024. SRMT is a powerful year of experiential training with online resources, audio gatherings, peer and faculty mentorship and community support.

The Coupon Code section is for current yearlong SRW students.

Email us at [email protected] with any questions.

hosted by

Shamanic Reiki Worldwide

Shamanic Reiki Worldwide


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