Minimal material, optimal performance

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Minimal material, optimal performance

By Footwearology

What if you could design shoes like you are growing a coral, using generative software to automatically create the exact properties you require throughout your product, whilst minimizing the amount of material that you need to produce it?

And what if you could produce these sophisticated structures not just with 3D printing, but also with molds?

This is essentially what Spherene´s plugin for Rhino enables you to do! Experts in digital manufacturing are already familiar with lattices and other infill structures that reduce weight and enhance performance, but Spherene takes this principle to the next level, both for finished products as well as for tooling.

Daniel Bachmann, one of Spherene´s creative technologists, will explain more in-depth about how their software works and how it will transform the way we design and manufacture footwear.

This webinar is suitable for both beginners as well as advanced digital designers! As usual we are able to tailor the level of the conversation to the questions of the audience.

This webinar is the third in a series to kick off FootPRINT 3D, our big event about digital manufacturing for footwear, which will be held in Barcelona on September 22/23.

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