Study Habits 101

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Study Habits 101

By Skillcrush

There's SO MUCH good stuff to learn online...but it can be so hard to actually do it!

Lucky for you, Skillcrush Enrollment Counselor and current student Tauri St. Claire has spent years building her study skills (the skills that got her through college and enabled her to power through her Skillcrush program) and she wants to share her most important learnings with YOU.

In this special webinar, Tauri will share with you:
  • How to schedule and organize your studying time so you never lose momentum
  • Tiny little changes you can make that’ll make a HUGE impact on your ability to retain the skills you’re learning
  • Strategies to make sure that you feel motivated and supported every step of the way
  • Effective note taking tips to improve your comprehension & retention
  • Creative studying strategies tailored to YOU
Study habits may not sound like the sexiest topic (although Tauri does have a whole bit about “getting yourself in the mood” 🤨) but what you learn in this webinar will not only impact your ability to move through the Break Into Tech program quickly and with less effort, but it’ll give you online learning skills that’ll serve you well for YEARS to come.

Don't miss it!

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