How to Build Your Tabletop Games Email List
By BackerKit
In past webinars we’ve explained “why” building your email list is important, but this time we’re going to explore the “how” with an emphasis tabletop games. The presentation will be followed by our expert Q&A session to make sure no question goes unanswered.
BackerKit has been serving the tabletop gaming community for 7+ years helping them master the world of crowdfunding. In that time, it’s become crystal clear that the conversion rate from email lists is at least 3x more effective than any other strategy.
Expect to learn:
- Expert strategies to start building your email list right now.
- Specific communities every tabletop game creator needs to know about.
- Important “Do’s” and “Don’ts” you need to be aware of when gathering emails.
- Examples from successful tabletop game companies.
Featuring BackerKit’s Jason Furie (Content & Community, Late Fee Games) and David Perlmutter (Tabletop Outreach). Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 12th at 10am PST.
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