Take GitHub threats seriously: The largest code-sharing platform is extending your attack surface.

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Take GitHub threats seriously: The largest code-sharing platform is extending your attack surface.

By GitGuardian

In 2021, GitGuardian scanned over 1 billion data points on GitHub.com, and the results were stunning. More than 6 million secrets – think API keys, database connection strings, and private certificates – were exposed on the platform!

Even more striking is the share of secrets and sensitive data exposed on the personal repositories of developers or open-source projects, of which SecOps teams lack visibility and control.

Join me for this live discussion with TAG Cyber analysts Chris Wilder and David Neuman to learn more about:
  • How GitHub expands an organization’s attack surface
  • Secrets sprawl and the threat it poses
  • How SecOps teams can protect their organization by looking past their perimeter
Stay until the end for a live demo of GitGuardian’s Public Monitoring platform; this will also be the opportunity to request a complimentary audit of your organization’s leaks on GitHub!

David Neuman
Advisor and Senior Analyst at TAG Cyber
David Neuman serves as a Senior Analyst at TAG Cyber LLC. Before joining TAG, he was the VP of Business Security for Dell Technology’s global supply chain. David is a two-time Global Chief Information Security Officer for iHeartMedia, Inc. and Rackspace, Inc. His experience includes serving as an Executive Director at EY for the America’s cyber security practice. David is a 28-year veteran of the United States Air Force. He’s a retired Cyber Warfare Officer who commanded the Air Force’s first Cyber Hunting unit. David is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Chris Wilder
Senior Analyst at TAG Cyber
Chris Wilder serves as Research Director and Senior Analyst at TAG Cyber. He has over 25 years of cybersecurity, networking, and telecom experience, including time in the US Navy supporting intelligence operations.

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