Thank-You Harp Mini-Concert
By Harpist Anne Roos
This special harp livestream concert is Anne Roos’ way to thank the firefighters, police, and first responders for their fabulous work saving her community of South Lake Tahoe, California from devastation from the recent Caldor forest wildfire. This concert is FREE for all of these individuals.
Firefighters, policemen and women, paramedics, doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals: No matter where you reside in the world, just direct message Anne, and she’ll send along a registration coupon code for you to attend this concert free. Can’t see it live in your time zone? Your code will work to watch it on demand—Replay it whenever you wish. Send Anne your music requests, and she’ll do her best to fit them in.
Anne’s Patreon members also get to attend for free (Subscribe to Patreon at https://patreon.com/harpistanneroos). Tickets are $7 for everyone else.
Can’t attend the concert live? Watch again on replay!
hosted by

Harpist Anne Roos