Coral Ghosts: 60 Years of Photos To Inspire You to Save The Reefs
By TPL Programs
In oceans around the planet, coral reefs are in crisis, but just how bad is the state of these underwater landscapes?
Coral Ghosts is a documentary directed by Andrew Nisker that combines six decades of underwater photography archived by Dr. Tom Goreau, a marine biologist with a family history of reef protection.
Join in this conversation with Andrew Nisker and Andrés Jiménez, TPL's Environmentalist in Residence (EnvIR) for 2020 to learn about reef research and conservation, what it means if this marine ecosystem collapses, and what we can do even if we are not near the ocean.
Tune in live to get a sneak preview to Coral Ghosts, scheduled for the world premiere at the 2020 Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival.
This virtual presentation is the Live & Online version of Toronto Public Library's Our Fragile Planet program series.
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TPL Programs