Joe Sacco: Paying the Land

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Joe Sacco: Paying the Land

By TPLCulture

Joe Sacco is one of the recognized masters of the form of comics journalism, a sub-genre of both comics and journalism that he was instrumental in pioneering. In his first full-length work of comics journalism in a decade, Paying the Land, Sacco brings his razor sharp intelligence and insight to Canada’s Mackenzie River Valley in the Yukon and the day to day struggles of the Dene people who have inhabited this land for thousands of years. As many lands have experienced in the recent past where the money that follows development is both a blessing and a curse, Sacco travels through the far North and shows us how these conflicts play out on and in the ground and how the Canadian government’s legacy of racism and neglect in this stunning landscape still lingers.
Joe Sacco will discuss Paying the Land and his travels through Canada’s far North with author and storyteller, Richard Van Camp, member of the Dogrib (Tlicho) Nation of the Northwest Territories.
About this event's guests Joe Sacco Richard Van Camp

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