Developer Deep-dive Session w/ Vectara: Evaluating Hallucinations in RAG and LLMs

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Developer Deep-dive Session w/ Vectara: Evaluating Hallucinations in RAG and LLMs

By Vectara

Join Vectara and sponsors Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch, and Access Silicon Valley for an evening of cutting-edge insights and a dive deep into Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, the hottest topic in LLMs today.

​You’ll also learn about Hallucinations in RAG systems and how LLMs from OpenAI, Cohere, & Google compare. Lastly, you’ll observe a LIVE CODING session where we’ll build a RAG system and then evaluate it for Hallucinations. This event promises a deep exploration of AI innovation.
  • ​6:00 pm -Networking and light dinner
  • 6:30 pm - "The Hallucination Evaluation Framework (HEM): Open Source for Responsible AI"
  • 7:15 pm - Q & A: Engage in a dynamic Q&A session with industry experts
  • ​7:30 pm - LIVE Coding Demonstration: Witness the creation of a RAG system and learn how to measure hallucinations in real-time
  • 8:15 pm - Lightning Outro talk: "Meet Boomerang & Why Retrieval is the Forgotten Hero in AI"
  • 8:30 pm - Event ends About Vectara Vectara is a trailblazer in artificial intelligence, specializing in RAG systems. With a commitment to innovation, Vectara pushes the boundaries of AI, enhancing Large Language Models for effective information retrieval and generation. Their groundbreaking work has been featured in leading tech publications, showcasing their thought leadership. About Procopio An AMLAW 200 firm, Procopio is a premier full-service law firm dedicated to fostering innovation in technology and AI. With a rich history in emerging growth and venture capital, Procopio's legal team combines expertise and a deep understanding of AI intricacies, offering strategic guidance in this dynamic industry. About Access Silicon Valley Access Silicon Valley is a dynamic platform connecting professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. Bridging the gap between talent, knowledge, and opportunity, Access Silicon Valley shapes the region's tech landscape. As a hub for the tech ecosystem, they provide networking opportunities, educational events, and industry insights to empower individuals and businesses in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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