How to create a period conscious workplace

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How to create a period conscious workplace

By Flexa

Periods. Despite being a normal biological function, they remain shrouded in secrecy and stigma in workplaces worldwide. Every woman has experienced hiding a tampon up their sleeve to walk to the bathroom, or has felt awkward hiding cramps at their desk. This forces employees to suffer in silence, take time off, or even leave their jobs.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Forward-thinking companies are taking steps to become ‘period conscious’ - creating open, understanding environments where no one feels uncomfortable discussing or managing their menstrual health.

To explore how your organisation can take action, join us for an insightful panel discussion next Tuesday, November 28th at 3PM GMT.

Hosted by Beth Carter, Head of Growth at Flexa, and Lucy Lettice Cohen, Co-founder of &SISTERS by Mooncup. We’ll be discussing:

🤯 Shocking statistics on period shame in the workplace and its impact on wellbeing and retention

✍️ Simple, practical steps like providing free period products and menstrual leave policies

🩸 Ways to foster menstrual literacy and bust taboos through training and open conversations

🤗 How period-consciousness helps attract and retain talent seeking healthy workplaces

📖 Policies and best practices to support menstrual, reproductive, and menopausal health

A period-conscious culture empowers employees of all genders and life stages. It increases comfort, productivity, and workplace satisfaction.

Join us as we explore tangible ways to become a workplace that's open, understanding, and designed for everyone.

As always, we’ll be holding a Q&A for those attending LIVE and a recording will be sent to everyone who missed us, so you can catch up at a time that suits you best!

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