How To Build An Irresistible Wedding Brand That Sells

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How To Build An Irresistible Wedding Brand That Sells

By Muse Storytelling


It's time to realize that you don't sell wedding videos, you sell the experience of creating a wedding video.

Your brand is your promise to your clients, and it's time to make it a memorable one.
In this 2.5 hour webinar, Patrick will show you how to create a powerful experience for your wedding clients. This experience will allow you to raise your rates, get you referred, and create work that is far more exciting for you.
Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to develop a brand that fits who you are and what you're about
  • Gaining more creative control to truly tell stories
  • 3 actionable ways to create a memorable experience for your clients
  • The number one way you're missing out on a massive revenue opportunity
  • 5 techniques for creating more emotionally felt videos that stand out and demand higher rates
  • A live review and critique of wedding work

Be prepared, this is not a lecture-style event. It will be an interactive experience.

We want to ensure the concepts are sticking and that you have clear examples of how the ideas can be applied.
Everybody joining will be asked to fill out a survey about their business and current challenges. This will help us choose the right folks to call up live, and also ensure we properly understand your biggest struggles so that we can help you overcome them.
Space is currently limited to 200 spots and is available on a sliding price model. If you are new to the industry or struggling with your wedding business, please pay the minimum. If you are doing well but could use a boost, please consider paying at least $120. And if you're thriving and just want to add even more fuel to the first, we ask you pay the full $179. A flexible pricing model allows us to make the content more accessible.
Patrick is the founder of Muse Storytelling but also the co-founder of Stillmotion. At Stillmotion he helped create a brand that could demand between $20 and $50,000 for a wedding collection. It may come as a shocker, but he used the same camera and gear available to you...
In this webinar, you'll learn how to unlock the power of your brand to create an irresistible experience that lets you ramp up your rates and find a far more sustainable way to run a wedding business.

hosted by

Muse Storytelling

Muse Storytelling

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