Joyful Sexuality! Releasing shame, guilty and fear from your sexual essence.

Rebecca Davison

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Joyful Sexuality! Releasing shame, guilty and fear from your sexual essence.

By Rebecca Davison

Hey beauty,
Let me get straight to it - is your sexuality free of shame and guilt? Oh, it's a super deep question, right?! But hear me out! The reason I'm asking is that what you may not realise is that we ALL experience shame and guilt when it comes to our sexuality and these emotions can literally steal our joy! It's time to RECLAIM YOUR JOY BACK when it comes to sex!
These lower emotions rob sex of relaxation, calmness, curiosity and playfulness. Guilt distorts us into judgement, fear and lack. It creates that feeling of not being good enough and wanting to close down, and shut ourselves off from life and sometimes our partners.
For a woman to be truly empowered she must claim her sexual essence and embrace this part of herself that can bring so much pleasure, joy and power. This is not JUST pertaining to the bedroom! This is about feeling safe to be OPEN, to experience pleasure in as many moments as possible. It's about being LIT UP with the joy of being able to celebrate your body, your life and your wisdom to create more fun, delight and playfulness from a space of relaxation and deep authenticity.
There is always more light you can take into your body. Join me on this 2-hour session as we dive deep into all things connected with your sexuality as we gently and loving remove the veils to the real you so you can shine in your own unique sexuality essence.
We'll be energetically clearing our blocks on:
Not feeling safe to be sexual in your body
Past sexual encounters that left you feeling distressed or unhappy
Choices that you have made around sex
Behaviours that were demonstrated towards you or from you
Feeling uncertain in the company of other women and/or experiencing sexual competition
We'll be bringing in transformative energies so you can walk away with:
Your unique version of your own powerful and magical sexual essence
A power statement you can use to activate energy within at any time so you feel powerful and back in sexual flow
A renewed sense of power and optimism for what you wish to create for your future
The lightness that comes with letting go of shame and guilt that has been projected by others or yourself
How to use your sexual essence to create more abundance!
Claim your power to create more pleasure and fun in your life - you are worthy of more delight, passion and bliss.
Love Rebecca xx
Please note pricing is in USD.
Rebecca Davison is an Intuitive Coach and Conscious Thought Leader who is passionate about people activating their innate ability to experience abundance and joy through the development of their intuition. An international speaker, writer, and mentor she empowers people to break loose from their own limitations to live the life deep down they know is possible, one filled with opportunities, fulfilment, and pleasure.

hosted by

Rebecca Davison


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