Monthly Bhagavad Gita Revelations & Transmission Chapter 7

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Monthly Bhagavad Gita Revelations & Transmission Chapter 7

By Sat Shree

Chapter 7 The Yoga of Knowledge and the Process of Knowing
Once a month Sat Shree will offer revelations on the chapters of his second book, The Bhagavad Gita Revealed Part 2: The Journey to the Universal Self. Chapters 7-18 of the Bhagavad Gita reveal our universal nature and lead us to complete liberation. These chapters point to the rarest of secrets of the Gita’s song, shifts in our consciousness that take us beyond our initial awakening to our individual being into an awakening to our universal nature. Along the way we experience the revelations and realizations that come with that greater awakening, preparing us to be manifesting instruments and channels of the Supreme. Inherent with the revelation, Sat Shree will transmit the vibrational frequency of each chapter.
Sat Shree invites you to consider coming for a personal retreat at Satya Dharma Center in Washoe Valley at the time of a particular revelation to be in the energy field, physical presence, and transmission of Sat Shree during these revelations.

Optional inquiry/small group:

The day after the revelation you will receive a Zoom link to attend an optional inquiry/small group scheduled one Sunday after the revelation. Participating in the inquiry group is an opportunity to integrate and deepen the teachings and frequency of the chapter in your daily life.

hosted by

Sat Shree

Sat Shree


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