Free webinar: How to choose the perfect online course topic that will earn passive income for you as an acupuncturist

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM, L.Ac. FABORM

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Free webinar: How to choose the perfect online course topic that will earn passive income for you as an acupuncturist

By Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM, L.Ac. FABORM

If you’re an acupuncturist and you’ve been thinking about creating passive revenue with a digital course or info-product, and you’re wanting to dive in and get this ball rolling, but you don’t yet have a topic that you know you can sell and that you can actually create, then you are in the perfect place.
I'll walk you through the strategy, things to consider, and tips for choosing the perfect course topic!
If you can't attend live, no worries - sign up and you can watch the replay at your convenience.

hosted by

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM, L.Ac. FABORM


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